Reflections and Looking Ahead

By Chonnettia Jones

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A cartoon depiction of cytidine base editing. A base editor, consisting of a cytidine deaminase fused to Cas9, is shown binding to DNA using its guide RNA. The guide RNA base pairs to target DNA, leaving the opposite strand of DNA free to be contacted by the cytidine deaminase, which converts a C to a U within this single-stranded sequence. This deamination yields DNA with a G:U mismatch without creating a double-strand break. Mismatch repair preserves the edit IF the modified strand is used as the template, converting the mismatched G to an A and yielding a single-base-pair edit.
Diagram of the Cascade complex with gRNA bound to target DNA, after recruitment of Cas3. Cas3 is about to nick the non-target strand.
Graphic showing the workflow of using a pooled AAV CRISPR library in vitro. Step A shows the AAV containing the library with either the gRNA only or gRNA plus Cas9 and infecting cells expressing Cas9 or wild-type. The different guides are represented by different colors in individual cells. Step B shows the results of the positive or negative selection, with only one type of guide (color) being chosen. Step C shows verification using next generation sequencing.
AAV infection of retinal neurons.
A cartoon of a prime editor with two different edit sequences. The DNA sequences are shown with one strand edited and a 5′ DNA flap, before heteroduplex resolution and DNA repair.  The first edit has an unchanged PAM. This DNA is shown connected to the prime editor by a two-way arrow, indicating that the editor can re-bind. Re-nicking is represented by scissors and would remove the newly edited DNA.  The second edit has an altered PAM. A one-way arrow leads from the prime editor to this edit, indicating that the changed PAM prevents the editor from re-binding.
Graphic showing different injection routes in mice; see text for details
A cartoon overlayed on several crystal structures showing the parts of the prime editor: the Cas9 nickase domain, the reverse transcriptase domain, and the pegRNA.
addgene's 20 year logo.
Map of the world, with all but five countries colored in blue. The countries colored in blue viewed the Addgene blog in 2023.
Alt text: A schematic illustration of the CRISPR/Cas9-based approaches mentioned above. The first illustration (A) shows a DSB made at a transcription start site upstream of an exon. The second illustration (B) shows a DSB made at splice sites. The third illustration (C) shows a DSB made upstream and downstream of an exon to fully remove a genomic fragment. The fourth illustration (D) shows a DSB made within an exon to insert a synthetic polyadenylation signal. 
Schematic depicting HEK-293T cells in a culture dish and Sf9 cells in a culture flask being used to produce various viruses
A decorative image depicting the protein structure of Top7 with a cartoon happy face wearing a Nobel Prize on a ribbon.
A graphic showing the request to shipping process for Addgene's AAV Packaged on Request service.
CRISPR prime editing schematic.
Resistance plasmids are depicted with a shield for defense. Col plasmids are depicted with a sword for offense. Virulence plasmids are depicted with a flask of toxins for infection. Degradative plasmids are depicted with a trash can on a dinner plate for hardiness. Fertility plasmids are depicted with a handshake for sharing. Cryptic plasmids are depicted with a question mark for mystery.
AAV infection of retinal neurons.
Schematic of multicomponent assembly with SLIC.
Two graphs, of fluorescence versus time and the residual (F - F_fit)/F_fit versus time, with vertical bands alternating gray and white every 5 seconds. The signal follows a prominent sawtooth pattern, decreasing during the gray period and recovering during the white period. Bottom panel (residuals) indicates ΔF/F reaches 75% and decreases slightly each cycle, but still reaches over 50% after seven cycles.
Exposed membranes showing a protein gradient with a primary antibody at two different dilutions.
schematic summarizing antibody validation approach for flow cytometry.
Side by side comparison of different antibody fragments relative to a full antibody. From left to right, Full IgG Antibody, F(ab’)2 Fragment, Fab’ Fragment, Fab Fragment, and Fv (scFv).
Schematic of Fragmid assembly process from day one to day four and resulting vector architecture.  On day one fragment plasmids plus a destination vector are assembled using Golden Gate (BbsI). On day two the assembled vector containing a Guide (2xBsmBI), Promoter, N-terminus, Cas protein, C’terminus, and 2A-Selection undergoes an exonuclease V cleanup followed by transformation and plating. On day three two colonies per construct are picked, miniprepped and restriction digested for gel validation/whole plasmid sequencing. Below the assembled vector are examples of six vector architectures including pRDA_512 lentivirus, pRDA_722 lentivirus, pRDA_789 CROPseq lentivirus, pRDA_889 AAV, pRDA_575 Piggyback, and pRDA_791 empty plasmid.
Graphic representing the choices made in the technical design of a western blot.
Two flow plots with a giant population. One has a gate around the far right hand side of the population.
A graphic depiction of a serial dilution.
Steps of rAb production.
Seven interns standing behind their posters and smiling.
A line and box diagram representing the genome, with relevant genes represented by labeled boxes, of gamma-retrovirus with five gene represented by boxes,
Graph showing various categories of viral vector tools and what percentage each tool makes up of the Addgene viral vector item catalog.
a graphic showing the four types of ELISAs.
A flow chart showing the steps of rAAV production. Details in blog post.
AAV infection of retinal neurons.
Overview of the parts of CRISPR. The bacterial chromosome encodes a tracrRNA (in some systems including Cas9), Cas proteins, and a CRISPR array. The CRISPR array is composed of identical repeat sequences and variable spacer sequences. The array is transcribed and processed into crRNAs, each including one repeat and one spacer. In bacteria, these crRNAs are bound by Cas proteins (Cas9 shown here). The repeat sequence base pairs with the tracrRNA, and the spacer sequence is used to target complementary DNA sequences. In laboratory settings, an sgRNA includes the crRNA and tracrRNA sequences in a “single-guide RNA” that performs both functions. Cas9 cuts both the target and nontarget DNA strands upstream of the PAM site found in the nontarget strand.
Four different cells together. Three cells are each bound by an antibody with a red fluorescent probe. All three have arrows pointing to a trash can. The four cell is not bound by any antibody and has an arrow pointing to an open Eppendorf tube.
screenshot of various PRIDICT webpages
A cartoon schematic of prokaryotic chromosomal replication. The parent cell DNA is shown as a circular chromosome with a small region highlighted as the origin of replication, or ori.   During replication, the DNA helix has separated at the ori, creating a “bubble” of two single strands of DNA. The point of separation of the helix into these single strands is the replication fork. Two replication forks form on either end of the ori. At each replication fork, a helicase processively separates the DNA strands, and a polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand paired to each single parent strand.  After termination, which is not shown in detail, the process results in two identical daughter cell DNA chromosomes.
addgenies smiling and talking together.
Two flow plots
Cartoon summary of Cas9 activity.
Cartoon depicting factors to consider for a pooled library when creating an amplification protocol; details are in text of link.
emission spectrum of fluorophore colors.
A flow plot
A chart with MoClo kit recommendations for different modal organisms and applications. 
Abi riding a camel
Graphic representation of the FITS screening process
 A viral particle enters a host cell, enters the host nucleus, is transcribed into RNA, and is translated into protein.
Addgene CRISPR distribution and deposits. (A) Cumulative CRISPR plasmids shipped by year. (B) Cumulative CRISPR plasmids deposited with Addgene by year. (C) Cumulative number of laboratories that have deposited CRISPR plasmids by year. (D) Cumulative CRISPR pooled libraries shipped by year.
Four schematics of protein labeling strategies with pros and cons list for each.
Graphic showing a narrow range host plasmid with one ORI, and a broad range host plasmid with three ORIs with variable inserts.
a flow plot divided by a quadrant.
Graphic showing the three states of an integrin: Bent closed, with two proteins bent together and binding sites inaccessible; extended closed with two proteins sticking out of the extracellular matrix and one protein making an S-curve into another one, partially blocking the binding sites; and Extended-open, with both proteins sticking out of the extracellular matrix, with the protein that was bent in an s-curve now in a c-curve away from the other protein, leaving binding sites fully open.
Antibody with five example conjugation sites indicated. Each site represents a different conjugation strategy, 1) lysine 2) cysteine 3) carbohydrate 4) sequence modifications 5) protein-protein interactions.
Schematic showing the three assembly levels of MoClo. Level 1 has 7 individual parts on a plasmid; Level 1 has seven parts all together on on plasmid; Level 2+ has three sets of five parts each on a plasmid, with two additional parts on the plasmid but separated from the sets.
 A screenshot of the Addgene home page with arrows pointing at Online Submission and Spreadsheet Submission on the Deposit drop down menu.
Photo of iodixanol gradient after ultracentrifugation; and a cartoon showing an iodixanol gradient after ultracentrifugation.
Graphic showing in vitro models for immunogenicity prediction of therapeutic antibodies
Person shooting at target with bow and arrows but missing
flow plot with two populations
graphic showing rabies virus used for neuronal tracing
Schematic showing the X-CHIME approach.
Blugene on an image that says
A protein ribbon model of nLightG and nLightR (a) and microscopy images showing expression of nLightG in cultures with NE and not in cultures without NE. The same experiments are repeated with nLightR, but there is faint expression in the cultures w/o NE.
Blugene holding a pencil
Map displaying location of Addgene's booth, 3422
Schematic of a human body with cartoons indicating systemic therapy (via IV); patient-derived editing ex vivo (via cell culture); and allogenic therapy (via cells derived from another person).
Cartoon schematic: a barcoded transfer plasmid and packaging plasmids are put in barcoded LentiX-293T cells. From this, an arrow points to virus particles with a barcode; an arrow from the barcode points to
Structure of a recombinant AAV vector, where two ITRs flank the gene cassette.
Cartoon depicting (a)
Table outlining the features described in-text of each antibiotic
Cartoon showing the different types of controls necessary for a microscopy experiment. Full details are in alt text in post.
A cartoon of the cycle of an adenoviral particle. Beginning at the clathrin-coated pit, infecting virions are endocytosed and imported into the nucleus through steps of capsid disassembly endosomal membrane disruption, and dynein-dependent transport of the viral payload to nuclear pores via microtubules. It is a circular diagram going through time, with arrows between each of the steps. Many of the later steps are not mentioned here, but they regard manufacture of new virions, which does not happen with most viral vectors.
Schematic showing CIB1-fluorescent protein-Rab attached to vesicles and free CRY2 protein. 488 nm light causes CRY2 and CIB1 to bind each other and form a cluster with the Rab protein and vesicles.
Blugene holding a number 2 pencil
Schematic summarizing the problem with species on species immunohistochemistry. The schematic is titled Species on Species Staining - The Problem and shows a cell membrane with a target protein and an endogenous IgG. A primary antibody is bound to the target and secondary antibodies conjugated with fluorophores are bound to both the primary antibody and the endogenous IgG.
Diagram of HIS-tagged protein column purification
The Codon Guide to Synthetic Biology logo
Cover page of the plasmids 101 eBook
Graphic of how neural fibers are thermally drawn, there multifunctional uses highlighted in the text, and a diagram of how the fibers deliver chemical and optical signals and take in biological signals
Checklist image detailing the preparations discussed in the article that visiting scientists may need to consider.
A cartoon showing a non-enveloped virus with capsid and genome labeled (left) and an enveloped virus with capsid, genome, and envelop labeled (left.)
Calcium Sensors copy-01
Emission spectra and filters for FITC and PE plotted on a graph
Graphic showing the workflow for high complexity Golden Gate Assembly, starting with destination vector and PCR amplification of fragments, which combined in a single-tube reaction with enzyme and DNA ligase to produce the assembled DNA product.
Carton of a retrovirus with geometric shapes representing proteins and labels of protein names.
Decorative image of a hand drawing a chemical structure on a chalkboard.
Graphic showing flow chart of pooled library preparation.
Woman posing with her thumbs up and smiling in front of an Addgene banner.
Cartoon showing an experimental setup for using an optogenetic tool on a mouse neuron in an in vivo model.
Retroviral packaging components separated into multiple plasmids for safety
Graphic showing the four steps (fix sample, anchor and polymerize, digest, expand) of expansion microscopy
Cartoon showing how GCE4All works
Abi at a production line with tubes of antibodies
microscopic image of a tonsil slice with reds, yellows, blues, and oranges labeling different cells
Table of types of viruses and their features
Flow charts show steps for selecting serotype and promoter on top, and steps for testing serotype, titer, and promoter in the middle. On the bottom are three unconnected steps listing how to test serotype, titers, and promoters
AAV viral particle diagram
schematic showing Addgene's bioinformatics pipeline
Graphic showing sequential multiplexing flow (left) and simultaneous multiplexing (right), converging through a flow chart to a multicolor composite image.
A carton schematic showing Fc effector functions
Cartoon of epitope tag applications
CRISPR contribution in the drug discovery pipeline.
Examples of gene, enhancer, and promoter traps at a genomic locus.
schematic showing retrograde and anterograde movement along neuronal axis
diagram showing creation of a chimeric antibody
HEK cells
a screenshot of data displayed on the Addgene Request dashboard
MORF library workflow
Cartoon image of Abi in safety glasses in front of a conveyor belt with tubes of antibodies on it
Copy of 2016_4_28_PlasmidClock_TJF-01
Viral infection cycle
Question flowchart of ANOVA and MANOVA statistical test options
Top (a): Graphic with a short orange rectangle with 6 Hs on it representing 6 Histidines attached on the right side to a long blue rectangle representing a protein. Below it, a long blue rectangle attached on the right side to a short orange rectangle with 6 Hs on it. Bottom (B) A series of long blue rectangles, each attached to a short orange rectangle on the right side. From top to bottom, the orange rectangles have 6, 7, 8, and 9 Hs, respectively.
Data Hub and Antibodies header images from the Addgene website
Cellosaurus logo
Tetracycline on promoter diagram
Two students and a professor, all in white lab coats, standing in the lab loading a gel.
Exogenous sources of dsRNA
3-step diagram showing (top) Step 1 - image of cells producing antibodies and next to it, Myc1-9E10 monoclonal antibody. (middle) Mcy1-E10 immnogen sequence (protein) AEEQKLISEEDLLRKRREQLKHKLEQLRNSCA. (Bottom) Three proteins of various shapes, each with a Myc tag (represented by a gift tag) attached to them by a wire.
a bacteria drawn by footprints in the snow on a building's deck with tables and chairs.
On the left is a pMD2.G plasmid, 5822 bp, depicted as a circle with a CMV enhancer marked and arrows showing different plasmid components. On the right is a plasmid, pMD2.G Dimer, 11,644 bp, depicted as a circle with two CMV enhancers, and doubled plasmid components compared to the first image, represented by arrows.
flow chart showing application process - decision to apply leading to
Pink Graphic with white snowflakes, a blue present, and the text
Repressible promoters Schematic-01
Blugene in a labcoat reading a book next a gold-colored Blugene also reading a book.
three cartoon blugenes, one holding a plasmid, one holding a virus, and one holding a piece of DNA.
Cas family enzymes and their genome editing fast facts
Schematic showing MTRIA biosensors are generated by inserting a circularly-permuted GFP into an intracellular loop of various G-protein-coupled receptors
Histogram of the frequency of SNPs mapped to targeting sequences of guides across 8 CRISPR libraries show cell lines of African ancestry have more guides affected than other cell lines. A second histogram of three corrected libraries shows the differences reduced in two cases and both peaks overlapped in the third.
The front page of the Addgene Help Center.
Stabilizing gRNA Modifications
Triplicate samples laid out in a 96 well plate
Aavery as the Hulk against a red brick wall with
The structure of a story, from introduction through resolution.
Survey results showing scientists want more negative data in the AAV data hub
A comparison of the fixation processes of formaldehyde vs methanol
The author wearing a homemade face mask on a snowy day.
An image of CERN accelerator with
Schematic of the antibody verification project
The Owheo building in spring.

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