Antibodies 101: The Four ELISAs and When to Use Them

By Meghan Rego

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A flow chart showing the steps of rAAV production. Details in blog post.
AAV infection of retinal neurons.
Overview of the parts of CRISPR. The bacterial chromosome encodes a tracrRNA (in some systems including Cas9), Cas proteins, and a CRISPR array. The CRISPR array is composed of identical repeat sequences and variable spacer sequences. The array is transcribed and processed into crRNAs, each including one repeat and one spacer. In bacteria, these crRNAs are bound by Cas proteins (Cas9 shown here). The repeat sequence base pairs with the tracrRNA, and the spacer sequence is used to target complementary DNA sequences. In laboratory settings, an sgRNA includes the crRNA and tracrRNA sequences in a “single-guide RNA” that performs both functions. Cas9 cuts both the target and nontarget DNA strands upstream of the PAM site found in the nontarget strand.
Four different cells together. Three cells are each bound by an antibody with a red fluorescent probe. All three have arrows pointing to a trash can. The four cell is not bound by any antibody and has an arrow pointing to an open Eppendorf tube.
screenshot of various PRIDICT webpages

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