New Viral Vectors - Fall 2024

By Multiple Authors

If the fall colors are inspiring you to paint your cells in equally vivid colors, you'll want to check out the 34 new preps available in the Addgene viral vector repository! This includes the first Addgene prep packaged in the AAV9-X1.1 serotype

In rodents, AAV9-X1.1 enables expression in brain endothelial cells via an injection into the systemic circulation. In Old World monkeys it actually targets neurons, and has 45-fold higher expression levels compared to AAV9. You can now target these cells with AAV-CAG-GFP packaged in AAV9-X1.1! 

We also have eight new AAV-PHP.eB vectors from the Jonathan Ting lab at the Allen Institute, deposited as part of the BRAIN Armamentarium Collection. These preps drive expression of either Cre recombinase or a fluorescent marker in the various cell types of the basal ganglia. They work via newly-characterized enhancers that enable a whole host of (awesome) research not easily carried out before.

We have a bunch of other new AAV vectors as well — including next-generation biosensors for GABA, dopamine, serotonin, and much more. Check them out!

Table 1: New ready-to-use viral vectors in the Addgene repository 

Name Serotype Category Depositor  Notes
AAV-GfaABC1D-Cre-4x6T AAV5 Recombinases Stanley Thomas Carmichael New viral prep
pAAV-EF1a-fDIO-Cre AAV5 Recombinases Esteban Engel New serotype
pAAV-hSyn-Cre-P2A-dTomato AAV PHP.eB Recombinases Rylan Larsen New serotype
AiP13778 - pAAV-AiE0450h-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3778) AAV PHP.eB Recombinases Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP13779 - pAAV-AiE0779m_3xC2-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3779) AAV PHP.eB Recombinases Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP13781 - pAAV-AiE0452h-minBG-iCre(R297T)-BGHpA (Alias: CN3781) AAV PHP.eB Recombinases Jonathan Ting New viral prep
pAAV-CAG-GFP AAV9-X1.1 Controls Edward Boyden New serotype
pAAV-hSyn-EGFP AAV PHP.eB Controls Bryan Roth New serotype
AiP13044 - pAAV-AiE0779m_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3044) AAV PHP.eB Controls Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP13038 - pAAV-AiE0743m_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3038) AAV PHP.eB Controls Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP12408 - pAAV-AiE0600m-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN2408) AAV PHP.eB Controls Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP13863 - pAAV-AiE0888m_C4-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3863) AAV PHP.eB Controls Jonathan Ting New viral prep
AiP13905 - pAAV-AiE0441h_3xC2-minBG-SYFP2-WPRE3-BGHpA (Alias: CN3905) AAV PHP.eB Controls Jonathan Ting New viral prep
pAAV-CaMKIIa-EGFP AAV1 Controls Bryan Roth New serotype
pAAV-Ef1a-DIO mScarlet AAV5 Controls Karl Deisseroth New serotype
pAAV_hSyn-PdCO-mScarlet-WPRE AAV5 Optogenetics Ofer Yizhar New viral prep
pAAV_hSyn-DIO-PdCO-mScarlet-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Optogenetics Ofer Yizhar
New viral prep with multiple serotypes
pAAV-Syn-FLEX-rc[ChrimsonR-tdTomato] AAV1 Optogenetics Edward Boyden New serotype
pAAV-Ef1a-DIO-ChRmine-mScarlet-WPRE AAV1 Optogenetics Karl Deisseroth New serotype
pAAV-hSyn-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP AAV2 Optogenetics Karl Deisseroth New serotype
AAV-CamKIIa-jGCaMP8s-WPRE AAV5 Biosensors Loren Looger New serotype
pAAV-CAG-FLEx-iSeroSnFR AAV9 Biosensors Lin Tian New viral prep
pAAV-hSyn-GRAB-gDA3m AAV1 Biosensors Yulong Li New viral prep
New viral prep with multiple serotypes
pGP-AAV-GFAP-iGABASnFR2(no bind)-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE Project
New viral prep with multiple serotypes
pGP-AAV-syn-iGABASnFR2-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE Project
New viral prep with multiple serotypes
pGP-AAV-syn-iGABASnFR2(no bind)-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE Project
New viral prep with multiple serotypes
pGP-AAV-syn-flex-iGABASnFR2-WPRE AAV1, AAV5 Biosensors GENIE Project
New viral prep with multiple serotypes

Looking for more viral vectors? Browse the full viral services collection or check out Addgene's Data Hub to see viral vector reports from other users. And don't forget to use the link below to keep up with the latest in Addgene's viral vector services and resources!  

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This blog post was written by Rachel Leeson and Brian O'Neill. 

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Topics: Viral Vectors, AAV, Addgene’s Viral Service

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