Plasmids 101: Stringent Regulation of Replication

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A chart with MoClo kit recommendations for different modal organisms and applications. 
Graphic showing a narrow range host plasmid with one ORI, and a broad range host plasmid with three ORIs with variable inserts.
Schematic showing the three assembly levels of MoClo. Level 1 has 7 individual parts on a plasmid; Level 1 has seven parts all together on on plasmid; Level 2+ has three sets of five parts each on a plasmid, with two additional parts on the plasmid but separated from the sets.
Table outlining the features described in-text of each antibiotic
Cover page of the plasmids 101 eBook
Graphic showing the workflow for high complexity Golden Gate Assembly, starting with destination vector and PCR amplification of fragments, which combined in a single-tube reaction with enzyme and DNA ligase to produce the assembled DNA product.

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