Addgene's 20th Anniversary Party

By Rachel Leeson

This year marks Addgene's 20th anniversary! We've been celebrating throughout the year, and on Sunday, June 9th, we hosted our 20th anniversary party for all Addgenies to celebrate together. We were even able to have many of our remote workers travel to Addgene's headquarters in Watertown, Massachusetts, for the occasion!

A group of people talking and smiling.

Addgenies enjoying the party.

There are so many teams that make Addgene functional, handling everything from facilities management to website development, tech transfer, lab work, and more. It's this diverse group of talented individuals that makes Addgene — well, Addgene. We're so grateful for each and every one of you! 

a table with framed photos and photobooks. A TV over the table is playing a slideshow of photos.Throughout the party, we shared memories of Addgene's past. Framed photos and slideshows shared some of the moments we captured over the years, including an album of Addgenie pet photos. The famous Addgene jacket, home to a questionable collection of memorabilia, even made an appearance during co-founder and CSO Melina Fan's words of welcome! Executive Director Chonnettia Jones and Board Member Joanna Brownstein were also on the welcoming committee. However, the majority of the time was spent with Addgenies meeting each other's friends and families, eating delicious food, or playing one of the giant games or indoor mini-golf course. 


While the main purpose of the party was to celebrate the contributions of each and every Addgenie, from our co-ops to our directors, we can't celebrate Addgene without recognizing our incredible depositors and requestors. Thank you all so much for an amazing twenty years of sharing science! 




Topics: Fun at Addgene

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