By Susanna Stroik
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Every few months we highlight a subset of the new plasmids, antibodies, and viral preps in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. Think we missed something smokin'? You can pitch a Hot Plasmids section (antibodies and viral preps welcome!) here.
Originally written by Marcy Patrick and Mary Gearing on Mar 12, 2015; updated by Christina Mork, Jul 27, 2020; updated by Susanna Stroik January 24, 2023. DNA damage drives genome instability and contributes to cancer, premature aging, and other harmful processes. The most ...
What are Acoustic Reporter Genes (ARGs)? Fluorescent and bioluminescent reporter genes are widely used to study gene expression in cells. But these reporters have limited use in vivo because they are based on light which is very easily scattered by tissue. Ultrasound, on the ...
Do you ever wonder about the origins of some of the common techniques or tools you use in the lab? Take for instance, the commonly used Myc-tag. Who first started using it in protein tagging experiments? Why Myc? When did the commonly used anti-c-Myc [9E10] antibody come into ...
Sleigh bells, please! It's time to announce the winners of the 2022 #DeckTheLab contest!
When performing restriction digests on plasmids at Addgene, we sometimes observe something odd in our uncut DNA control: a band or two appear on an agarose gel at notably higher molecular weights than expected, given the size of the plasmid. This is seen only in the uncut DNA; ...
Every student about to graduate shares the same nightmare: the question “So, what comes next?” For those finishing up an undergraduate education or ending a Master’s program, the answer might be to continue in academia and pursue a PhD. However, if you’re anything like me, the ...