By Angela Abitua
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Not all plasmid preps are the same. Before purifying a plasmid from a bacterial culture, it is important to consider your experiment. It will dictate the amount of DNA you need, and at which level of purity. Based on these premises we can classify a plasmid preparation in 3 ...
If you use a kit for DNA purification or if you use a DIY purification protocol, you might have noticed that there are many options to elute your DNA prep. You might see protocols that recommend eluting in water, Tris-EDTA (TE), just Tris buffer, or some other variations. Does ...
Every few months we highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These articles provide brief summaries of recent plasmid deposits and we hope they'll make it easier for you to find and use the plasmids you need. If you'd ever like ...
Last updated Jul 20, 2021. By Will Arnold and Shreya Vedantam Accelerating research by improving the availability of materials is a core part of our mission. In no situation is this more true than the current global pandemic in which scientists race to find vaccines, ...
This post was contributed by Manon Eckhardt and Melanie Brewer from the QBI Coronavirus Research Group at UCSF. It’s been only a few months since we all became acutely aware of the threat of SARS-CoV-2. Like many in the science community, we’ve been motivated to do anything and ...
Originally published Jan. 14, 2014 and updated Apr. 14, 2020. Any newcomer who joins a molecular biology lab will undoubtedly be asked to design, modify, or construct a plasmid. A plasmid is a small circular piece of DNA found in bacterial cells, and someone new to plasmids may ...
Plasmid incompatibility is defined as the inability of different plasmids to be maintained in one bacterial cell. In this Plasmids 101 post, we’ll cover why this happens, how it might affect your work, and how understanding it can be used for good. First, why are plasmids ...