By Patrick Stoney
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The late Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien played enormous roles in fluorescent protein development by openly sharing their resources with the research community. To honor their legacy, we launched the Michael Davidson and Roger Tsien Commemorative Travel Awards in 2017. These ...
In 2012, we received the first CRISPR plasmid deposit. Now we have over 8,000 CRISPR plasmids in the repository that have been shared over 140,000 times to over 75 countries. That’s a lot of CRISPR! As we’ve shared these tools over the years, the amount of CRISPR educational ...
This is the last post in a blog series on sustainable practices in the lab, where I’ll list some easy but effective habits you can incorporate to reduce your lab consumption and increase your lab sustainability. For my other posts on lab sustainability, check out my Recycling ...
Addgene recently moved to our brand new location, with more space to grow and help scientists share resources in new ways. Along with a new location comes the need for new conference room names. The Addgenie’s favorite conference room naming scheme? Gene names! This is not ...
New ideas and approaches are encouraged in science. It isn’t surprising that new ideas are also popping up in how we manage lab waste. This is the second in a series of posts on bringing sustainable practices in the lab. The first post focused on streaming some lab waste for ...
We’re excited to welcome Karen Katz, Esq and Carl Paratore, MBA, CPA to the Addgene Board of Directors. Katz is the Director of Intellectual Property Programs at Suffolk University Law School and Paratore is the General Auditor at Tufts Health Plan. The addition of Katz and ...
Anyone who works in a lab is familiar with the alarming amount of waste that is generated. This is a systemic problem that we need to address, but is often ignored in the lab environment.