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Western blots are a great tool to identify a protein of interest in a complicated solution like cell lysate. But they can be a lot of work — and what if you want to detect more than one protein in your sample? Or what if something weird happened during your western and your ...
As part of Addgene’s 20th anniversary celebration, we’ve been finding and sharing stories unique to our repository and resources. As editor of Addgene’s eBooks — including the recently released Viral Vectors 101 2nd edition — I was incredibly excited when we picked our viral ...
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a versatile method used to quantify the level of target antigen in a sample. While Engvall et al. originally developed the ELISA assay to measure antibody levels, scientists have since adapted it for a host of different proteins ...
If you’ve deposited or requested plasmids from Addgene, then you’ve been involved in the material transfer agreement (MTA) process. Even though this process is essential to sharing plasmids around the globe, it can be a bit of a mystery for those who aren’t familiar with it. If ...
There are several facilities nationwide where you can obtain excellent quality, high titer rAAV (including Addgene!), but you can also generate rAAVs in your own lab with standard molecular biology tools and tissue culture experience. Here, we’ll go over the basics of rAAV ...
We are very excited to share the latest edition of our Viral Vectors 101 eBook!
What's new in Addgene's ready-to-use viral vectors repository? Quite a bit! In this post, we'll share the 20 additions we've made to our viral vectors repository since March.