One of the most pivotal decisions many PhDs face when transitioning from academia to industry is whether to stay hands-on in the lab or pivot to a managerial role. For those contemplating the leap into management, the journey can be as exciting as it is challenging.
Antibody validation is to confirm (or refute) that the antibody is selectively detecting the target-of-interest in your assay and sample-of-interest. The approaches available broadly map onto the five pillars of antibody validation (see: Uhlen et al., 2016). In this post, we ...
Now that you know how to read flow plots and have designed your first flow panel, you’ll load your samples into the cytometer and see one of two results for your antibody of interest: two clear populations or a huge smear across your FSH vs reporter plot. In this post, I’ll walk ...
I never would have imagined that my summer before high school senior year would have been spent within a lovable community that has allowed me to expand my knowledge more than ever before. Before joining Addgene, I had spent most of my junior year stressed out applying for ...
When it comes to labeling cells for flow cytometric analysis, the most common method is a cell surface label, where fluorophore-conjugated antibodies directly bind to epitopes of interest that are found in the extracellular space. The targeted epitopes can be motifs within ...
Prime editing is a versatile genome editing technology that allows precise modifications of DNA (replacements, small insertions, and deletions) without introducing DNA double-strand breaks (Anzalone et al., 2019; Chen & Liu, 2023). This method uses a prime editor (typically ...
When you are running flow cytometry, you’ll need various controls to help you set up and analyze your samples. While you are probably familiar with the basics of controls in experimental design, you’ll need a few controls specific to flow as an application. These controls will ...
When analyzing your cells using flow cytometry, you are typically measuring the presence or absence of certain markers on the surface or the inside of your cells. While proteins themselves can emit intrinsic fluorescence when excited with ultraviolet (UV) light, they do so via ...