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The widespread use of γ-retroviruses (gamma-retroviruses) in cancer and stem cell research has prompted the development of multiple virus packaging methods. Across these methods, the following components are needed:
As part of Addgene’s 20th anniversary celebration, we’ve been finding and sharing stories unique to our repository and resources. As editor of Addgene’s eBooks — including the recently released Viral Vectors 101 2nd edition — I was incredibly excited when we picked our viral ...
There are several facilities nationwide where you can obtain excellent quality, high titer rAAV (including Addgene!), but you can also generate rAAVs in your own lab with standard molecular biology tools and tissue culture experience. Here, we’ll go over the basics of rAAV ...
What's new in Addgene's ready-to-use viral vectors repository? Quite a bit! In this post, we'll share the 20 additions we've made to our viral vectors repository since March.
If you’re depositing a pooled library with Addgene, you may be surprised to learn that we ask for an amplification protocol with your deposit. This is because repeated amplifications of pooled libraries can lead to issues such as recombination and loss of plasmid diversity, so ...
The triple T’s of biology are transformations, transfections, and transductions! In this blog we will discuss all things transductions. If you’ve ever wondered how they are different from or similar to the other Ts, we have your answers. If you know the basics but are here ...
What's new in Addgene's ready-to-use viral vectors repository? Quite a bit! In this post, we'll share the 21 additions we've made to our viral vectors repository this year (and it's only March!)