By Tyler Ford
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Being a scientist in my late 20’s, new graduates often ask me for advice on careers available to new science graduates and the pro’s and con’s of working in different sectors. Luckily, I have worked for a variety of different organizations, so I tend to provide them with an ...
Addgene recently attended and sponsored the Future of Research (FOR) Boston Symposium 2015. I personally participated as a member of the Career Paths Panel on the second day of the symposium and live tweeted throughout the event (look for a ton of tweets from the Symposium under ...
Have you ever heard of a Freshers Fair? If you’re from outside of Europe, the answer is probably no, but these fun and informative events are one of the main ways budding young scholars across Europe get introduced to the cultures and opportunities available to them at ...
This post was contributed by guest bloggers and IMP organizers Rosario F. Godino, Rocío López-Diego, & Zafira Castano Corsino. When someone says “internationalization” young hearts often shake with the fear of uncertainty. However, internationalization, the ability to cross ...
The second Boston Symposium on the Future of Research will be held from 22-24 October. This blog has been contributed by guest blogger and Future of Research Symposium organizer, David T. Riglar PhD. Here, Dr. Riglar discusses one of the six panel discussions to be held at the ...
This post was contributed by Damien Wilpitz founder and lead consutant at Experiment Designs Consulting, Inc. “How much do you need [for your lab start up]?” A hiring chair or dean will often ask a faculty candidate. Sweaty palms. Heart racing. Cotton mouth.The candidate may ...
Being an entrepreneur is difficult; it requires an immense amount of self-knowledge and an unwavering devotion to seeing your ideas become something tangible. When you think of entrepreneurship in the 21st century, who do you think of? Your mind is likely drawn to the Mark ...