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The follow post was contributed by guest blogger Juliet Moncaster Leadership skills are amongst the professional abilities we often hear that scientists should acquire during their PhD and postdoctoral training. Addgene executive director Joanne Kamens has written a 5-part blog ...
As we get closer to the start of another academic year, graduate students and post-docs alike are wondering where the time has gone. Are we any closer to graduating, publishing that key paper, or figuring out a career path? Many trainees are developing Individual Development ...
Expanding your network of relationships early and often is the most effective tactic a scientist in training can adopt to ensure opportunities in the future. Studies show that the majority of job offers arise as a result of existing professional (and personal) relationships. ...
Just over a month ago I finished up my PhD in Biological and Biomedical Sciences at Harvard University and entered a new role here at Addgene as an Outreach Scientist. I used to spend my days (and often my nights :D) engineering E. coli to produce biofuels in Pamela Silver’s Lab ...
This is the fifth in a 5 part series on Management for scientists. We are inundated with articles and books on the topic of leadership. Perhaps one of your advisors or mentors has urged you to work on developing your “leadership skills”. Leadership is prized at all levels of an ...
This is the fourth in a 5 part series on Management for scientists. Once you are responsible for managing others you will only be successful in your role if you become a master at delegating tasks and responsibilities. The manager is not expected to DO all the work – she is ...
This is the third in a 5 part series on Management for scientists. Feedback is help and it should result in authentic assistance for the recipient to become more effective and successful. Giving timely and useful feedback is an absolutely required aspect of being a successful ...