By Joanne Kamens
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This post was contributed by Steph Guerra, a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow at the Veterans Health Administration. “But, seriously, what even is science policy?” I have been asked this many times throughout my short science policy career and this seemingly simple ...
Congratulations, you’ve just landed an interview for an industry job! You’ve worked hard to earn this opportunity and are excited for this next step. But wait, now you feel a little panicked. You’ve never had an industry interview before. What should you do to get ready for this ...
As with many aspects of our lives that have gone virtual, scientific conferences have followed suit. Two Addgenies, Susanna Bachle and Yijun Zhang, recently attended virtual conferences (TAGC and ASGCT, respectively) and Addgenie Angela Abitua hosted a virtual Reproducibility ...
Science is a global endeavor, and that can often mean that scientists who live across the country or around the world from each other are collaborating on projects. When I was a graduate student, I led a collaborative project between my lab in Pennsylvania and a team in Paris, ...
Are you a grad student, postdoc, or bench scientist who began working remotely recently? Most of us at Addgene began working from home last week to flatten the curve, but working remotely can be more difficult if your work is based in the lab. If you’re unsure what to do during ...
This post was contributed by Joe James from Binning Singletons. The sheer scale of a large conference can be intimidating. And it can be exacerbated when everyone seems to know one another, but they don’t know you. First time attendees and those attending alone often feel this ...
Finding research papers is not particularly hard. There are millions of them. The real challenge is finding relevant papers. The latest installment of the Early Career Researcher Toolbox will highlight four tools for finding journal articles related to your actual interests ...