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If the fall colors are inspiring you to paint your cells in equally vivid colors, you'll want to check out the 34 new preps available in the Addgene viral vector repository! This includes the first Addgene prep packaged in the AAV9-X1.1 serotype.
If cloning methods had personalities, SLIC (sequence- and ligation-independent cloning) would be a true rebel. Not only does this system not use site-specific recombination, it also doesn’t require a ligation step. Based on the robust system of homologous recombination found in ...
Lots of scientists work to invent novel techniques or to engineer improved tools for familiar applications. But how does one invent a tool for applications that don’t even exist yet? Andrew York, Maria Ingaramo, and their team at Calico Life Sciences recently set out to do just ...
If you’re looking for the best way to improve your lab techniques — but perhaps are a little limited on time — check out Addgene’s new Quick Tip series on YouTube!
Western blots can be tricky to get right. If you’ve thoughtfully done the technical design of your blot, but are still finding yourself having issues, you’re in the right place! In this post, we’ll talk about western blot optimization and troubleshooting.
If you’re using antibodies in your research, you've probably found yourself staring at a browser full of tabs, each open to a different antibody option. Or you may find yourself with only two options, but very little data on which might work in your application. It can be quite ...
Antibody validation is to confirm (or refute) that the antibody is selectively detecting the target-of-interest in your assay and sample-of-interest. The approaches available broadly map onto the five pillars of antibody validation (see: Uhlen et al., 2016). In this post, we ...