By Tyler Ford
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Instead of spending time and money producing virus from select vectors in the repository yourself, you can now order ready-to-use virus directly from Addgene! As part of our new Viral Service, we’re distributing lentivirus (with many CRISPR tools included among the preps that ...
An estimated 320,000 viruses can infect mammals. Even more abundant are the Earth’s estimated 1031 bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria), many of which are doing important work in our microbiomes. Given that viruses are everywhere and doing everything, it can be annoying ...
Lentiviral vectors are one of the most popular and useful viral vectors in the lab. Advantages of lentivirus include a large genetic capacity and the ability to transduce both dividing and non-dividing cells. Lentiviral vectors are the vector of choice for many CRISPR ...
Lentiviruses are a powerful laboratory tool often employed to establish cell lines that stably express a gene of interest. While the general approach for using lentivirus, infect and select, seems simple, in actuality, many find using lentivirus to be time consuming, difficult, ...
The day has arrived; you’ve painstakingly cared for your packaging cell line, prepped your DNA, transfected and harvested your lentivirus. Now it’s time to move ahead with your infection and make your stable cell line. While we’ve all experienced the pressure to move a project ...
This article is based on an interview with Novartis researcher, Carrie Bhang. The ClonTracer Library, deposited by Carrie Bhang, a research investigator in the In Vivo Pharmacology group at Novartis Oncology, is an exciting new tool that allows researchers to individually label ...
This post was contributed by guest blogger Derek Simon. Optogenetics is spreading through the neuroscience community like wildfire and for good reason. For the first time in the history of neuroscience research we have a technology that allows us to show causality in neural ...