By Racheal Komuhendo
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Addgene has distributed over 800,000 plasmids since 2004. In that time, our lab has gotten a lot experience in processes including automated vial filling, accurate tube-labeling, quick plate pouring, and much more. We didn’t want to keep the knowledge we’ve gained along the way ...
Although we're storing away all of our holiday decorations, our holiday spirit remains. We would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual #Deckthelab contest. The bar was set very high from last year’s impressive entries, but our community of creative scientists ...
We began distributing ready-to-use virus preps through our viral service in late 2016 and requests are still pouring in! While our lentiviral service is going strong, the AAV service has shown incredible growth this year. pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry was the top requested AAV ...
Plasmid technologies are constantly evolving, but sometimes a technology is so useful it forever enhances biological research and discovery. CRISPR is a great example (the top requested plasmids from 2015 and 2016 were CRISPR plasmids), but so are lentiviral vectors, many of ...
Every quarter we highlight a subset of the new plasmids in the repository through our hot plasmids articles. These brief articles provide a synopsis of a plasmid or group of plasmids' functions and applications. We hope that these articles make it easier for you to find and use ...
Since the start of the CRISPR revolution, Addgene has distributed over 100,000 CRISPR plasmids. But that’s not our only job - we strive to also give you high-quality educational resources to help you do better research. CRISPR is an incredibly fast-moving field, and we want to ...
Fluorescent proteins have enabled scientists to pursue creative research avenues previously unavailable to them. With these fantastic tools it’s now easy to monitor protein expression, localization, and protein-protein interactions. Beyond these common applications, researchers ...