By Margo R. Monroe
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A scientist-in-training will spend 10 or more years with a small number of formal advisors learning how to be a scientist. It is shocking how little pre-work most PhD students and postdocs do to ensure the advisors they choose will be ones that help them succeed after the ...
Welcome to 2014! Get excited, it’s a new year. A time for resolutions: to wake up and get to the lab earlier, to read that stack of papers on your desk, and to tackle some new experiments before the next R01 is due. But what about organizing yourself and your lab? Organizing ...
"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own." -Benjamin Disraeli Mentor, Sponsor, Advisor, Boss – who will help me advance my science career? We spend many years becoming scientists. It takes us a decade or more for ...