Rachel Leeson

Rachel is a Science Communications Specialist at Addgene. She manages the blog and social media.

Blog articles by Rachel Leeson

A graphic showing the request to shipping process for Addgene's AAV Packaged on Request service.
Exposed membranes showing a protein gradient with a primary antibody at two different dilutions.
Schematic of Fragmid assembly process from day one to day four and resulting vector architecture.  On day one fragment plasmids plus a destination vector are assembled using Golden Gate (BbsI). On day two the assembled vector containing a Guide (2xBsmBI), Promoter, N-terminus, Cas protein, C’terminus, and 2A-Selection undergoes an exonuclease V cleanup followed by transformation and plating. On day three two colonies per construct are picked, miniprepped and restriction digested for gel validation/whole plasmid sequencing. Below the assembled vector are examples of six vector architectures including pRDA_512 lentivirus, pRDA_722 lentivirus, pRDA_789 CROPseq lentivirus, pRDA_889 AAV, pRDA_575 Piggyback, and pRDA_791 empty plasmid.
Graphic representing the choices made in the technical design of a western blot.
Graph showing various categories of viral vector tools and what percentage each tool makes up of the Addgene viral vector item catalog.

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