Alyssa Shepard

Alyssa is a Scientific Curator at Addgene. She received her PhD in cancer biology from Scripps Research. She loves unique animal models, all things CRISPR, and sharing science with everyone.

Blog articles by Alyssa Shepard

Diagram of the Cascade complex with gRNA bound to target DNA, after recruitment of Cas3. Cas3 is about to nick the non-target strand.
Graphic showing the workflow of using a pooled AAV CRISPR library in vitro. Step A shows the AAV containing the library with either the gRNA only or gRNA plus Cas9 and infecting cells expressing Cas9 or wild-type. The different guides are represented by different colors in individual cells. Step B shows the results of the positive or negative selection, with only one type of guide (color) being chosen. Step C shows verification using next generation sequencing.
Graphic showing different injection routes in mice; see text for details
Schematic depicting HEK-293T cells in a culture dish and Sf9 cells in a culture flask being used to produce various viruses
CRISPR prime editing schematic.

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