Welcome to the Lab Bench! New Protocol Series Helps Trainees Get Started in the Lab

By Various Addgenies

New to the lab? Or looking for ways to supplement your teaching? You’re in luck!

Addgene’s Intro to the Lab Bench series was born from the shift to remote learning due to COVID-19. We had many protocols for plasmid cloning and working with viral vectors, but what we lacked were videos guiding completely new members of the lab or those taking introductory lab courses.

The Intro to the Lab Bench series is meant to be an informative introduction for those who are just starting their careers in the lab and even those who might just need a refresher on some best practices for introductory science techniques. It’s also great for teachers looking to supplement their curriculum. From the details about personal protective equipment to learning about how to use a tissue culture hood and other lab equipment, we’re here for you as you learn the ropes!

All material can be found on our Protocols page and YouTube page

Visit Our Protocols Collection!

Happy learning, and welcome to the lab bench, new scientists! 


Topics: Using Addgene's Website, Molecular Biology Protocols and Tips

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