Addgene’s First AAV Data Hub Challenge

By Rachel Leeson

We're going virtual for Addgene’s first AAV Data Hub Challenge, now taking place Dec. 6, 2022! Share your AAV data, connect with other researchers working with AAV, support open science, and maybe even win a $500 travel prize in our open data extravaganza! 

Register for Addgene's AAV Data Challenge!

Anyone can submit data from their CLOVER lab or Addgene AAV experiments to the Data Hub. Submit your data by Nov. 12 to compete. The top ten participants will be invited to compete in our speed round data presentation, with two winner each receiving a $500 travel award. All participants will receive an Addgene t-shirt. 

Aavery as the Hulk against a red brick wall with "Addgene AAV Data Hub Challenge" written on it.

Our judges, Drs. Connie Cepko, Ian Wickershamand Dr. Bobae An will host a Q&A session after the competition, where you can get all your burning AAV questions answered. 

Interested? You can learn more here - and remember, submissions are due Nov. 21! 

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